Site icon Stacy Mizrahi

Pam and I at Halloween Party

We went as Bender and Leela from Futurama.

It took some time for it to come together but I got my Bender costume assembled. The body and head were made from Sakrete tubes. Most of the effort was on the head. The dome was a foam half sphere that I picked up at Michaels. Benders antenna is a plastic landscape nail topped with a ping pong ball. His eyes are foam balls. The pupils are construction tape. I cut holes in the foam balls and ping pong ball and inserted LED balloon lights. The visor was a cardboard box that I cut to shape and hot-glued in place. I used lots of caulk to smooth out edges and fill gaps. The mouth is just screening that I painted white and hot glued in place. This is what the unfinished head looked like:

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